El ruido del corazón que baja I Le bruit du coeur qui descend, 2022

Afiche Poster El ruido del corazón que baja I Le bruit du coeur qui descend, 2022

The sound of the falling heart

Experimental short film

The sound of the falling heart is a dreamlike correspondence between Chilean Patagonia and French Bask Country. Two women separated by oceans, two poetic visions of the world, two vulnerabilities united with the journey of the stream of consciousness, halfway between city and nature, finally reunited by Buenos Aires.

Written and Directed by:
Julia Beyer Agostini & Claudia Valdivia

Selected by:
53 Visions du Réel 2022 - Film Market. Switzerland (2022)
2 Bookmarks of Discomfort, Millennium Film Workshop, NYC. USA (2022)
4 Archivos Compartidos, Museo del libro y de la lengua. Argentina (2022)
11 Play Videoarte & Cine Experimental. Argentina (2022)
2 Film Diary NYC. USA (2022)
3 International Portrait Film Festival, Art Incubator exhibition. Bulgaria (2022)
2 Persian Independent Experimental Short Film Fest. Iran (2023)

Still The sound of the falling heart 1
Still The sound of the falling heart 2
Still The sound of the falling heart 3
Still The sound of the falling heart 4